Research Programs and Projects

Research Programs and Projects

The impact of obesity on survival outcomes following drug treatment for advanced malignancy (Ongoing)

Obesity is known to increase the risk of developing many types of cancer. However, once someone has developed cancer being overweight may mean for some cancer types the prognosis is better but for other types worse. The reasons for this are not fully ...

SPCR HRT inequalities (Ongoing)

Menopause symptoms, including hot flushes, anxiety, mood swings and poor disturbed sleep, can be severe in some women, substantially impacting on their quality of life. The menopause also causes an increased risk of osteoporosis (bone thinning) and f ...

Defining the relationship between lipids, statins, and the risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia using primary health records (Ongoing)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as motor neuron disease, MND) is a fatal disease affecting the brain and nervous system that causes progressive weakness and death, typically within 3 years of symptoms starting. Frontotemporal dementia ...

Analysis of survival from blood cancer in England (Ongoing)

I. To estimate the number of years of life lost due to blood cancer in England II. To identify and measure disparities in blood cancer survival in England (by age, geographic area, gender, deprivation quintile and ethnicity) III. To estimate potenti ...

Quantifying disparities in HRT prescribing (Ongoing)

Objective a To determine the overall uptake of HRT in women of menopausal age and describe uptake of different types of HRT, duration of use and demographics of women taking HRT and those who are not over a 10-year period. Objective b To identify pr ...

Influenza, MenACWY, HPV and COVID-19 vaccines in children: uptake, safety and effectiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK (2) (Ongoing)

Aims and Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of children globally with major health, social and educational consequences. It was seen that during the pandemic that fewer children received some of the common childhood vaccines. Th ...

Antibiotic use and survival from breast cancer (Ongoing)

What is the aim of the study? What do we plan to do? Our primary objective is to compare the survival experience of breast cancer patients who frequently use antibiotics to the survival experience of breast cancer patients who do not frequently use a ...

Comparisons of risk prediction algorithms using three clinical research databases (QResearch, CPRD Aurum and CPRD Gold) (Ongoing)

QResearch, CPRD Gold and CPRD Aurum databases are three large general practice databases which are widely used for research. The CPRD databases are similar to the QResearch database but contain a different group of practices and are linked to differe ...

The Psychosis Metabolic Risk Calculator (PsyMetRiC) - Validation, Recalibration and Model Revision Study (Ongoing)

People with long term mental illness die earlier than people from the general population. This is mostly because of physical health problems like heart disease and diabetes. Preventing these physical health problems is an important way to improve the ...

Co-prescription of antibiotics and oral anticoagulants and risk of bleeding (Ongoing)

The aim of this study is to find out which antibiotics might lead to bleeding amongst people who use blood-thinning medications, known as anticoagulants. Why is this important? The main anticoagulants used in the UK are warfarin and a group of drugs ...

Uptake, effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccinations in pregnant women. (Ongoing)

COVID-19 has affected millions of people worldwide with major consequences for health, work and lives. Three different types of COVID-19 vaccines have been given to the UK population. Adults (including pregnant women) are eligible for a primary cours ...

Effects of obesity on COVID in the 2nd wave of the pandemic (including healthcare costs) (Ongoing)

It is now established that infection with the coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, does not affect everyone equally, with some prone to get more severe illness, called COVID-19, than others. We have previously shown, using data from the first wave of the ...

What knowledge would support improving the management of teenagers with dysmenorrhoea in primary care? (Ongoing)

The aim of this project is to improve the information and resources available to support teenagers experiencing painful periods. Period pain affects up to 93% of teenagers. Approximately one third of them experience severe pain, causing them to miss ...

Examining effects of GP intervention and smoking cessation on secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (Ongoing)

Tobacco smoking has been associated with increased likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke, it follows that stopping smoking may have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health and potentially help reduce the risk of having a second heart att ...

Long Term Complications of Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers (Ongoing)

Over the last 50 years remarkable progress has been made in the treatment and survival of childhood, adolescent and young adult (CTYA) cancers; with up to 80% now surviving longer than ten years (1). Despite this success, however, childhood and teena ...

Development and validation of a risk assessment tool to improve early detection of childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer (Ongoing)

Childhood and teenage cancer ranks as the 6th leading cause of total cancer burden worldwide and is associated with significant long-term morbidity (1). Cancer is the commonest cause of mortality by disease among children and young people in the Unit ...

Exploring the Long Term health outcomes of a Pregnancy with gestational Diabetes (ELOPE-GDM) (Ongoing)

Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant women. It usually goes away after giving birth. Developing GDM increases the risk of problems during pregnancy and birth, and there is evidence that women who develop GDM are at m ...

Maternal depression and anxiety disorders and child mental health outcomes (Ongoing)

Problems relating to Maternal Depression and Anxiety Disorders (MDAD) are common and are known to affect child health and development. In the UK, the cost of these problems has been estimated at £8.1 billion for each birth cohort of children, and 72 ...

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis of childhood, teenage and young adult cancers (Ongoing)

In the United Kingdom (UK), the commonest cause of death in children, teenage and young adults (TYA) is cancer. Diagnostic delays are known to play a role. By increasing delays, the COVID-19 pandemic may worryingly contribute to worsening morbidity a ...

Predicting survival outcomes for patients with a new diagnosis of cancer (Ongoing)

Outcomes for patients with cancer in the UK tend to be worse than those for similar developed countries worldwide. The reason for this isn’t fully understood but may reflect delays in diagnosis and variations in uptake of cancer treatments. Improving ...

Exploring the Long-term (clinical) Outcomes following a PrEgnancy affected by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (Ongoing)

Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant women. It usually goes away after giving birth. Developing GDM increases the risk of problems during pregnancy and birth, and there is evidence that women who develop GDM are at m ...

MAARS Multimodal Active Adaptive Risk Stratification for Cancer (Ongoing)

Compared to similar economically developed countries, the UK has an appalling record for diagnosing cancers at a late stage, when curative treatment is not possible. For example, the UK has one of the poorest survival rates for colorectal cancer in E ...